
Shine not only on Valentine’s Day


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Positive emotions make us see a sparkle in the eyes of a loved one. All those who are looking for ideas for a nice surprise on Valentine’s Day, we invite you to play with us. On Saturday, February 18, in the creative zone in the passage of our Shopping Centre, you will be able to make romantic gifts. We invite you from 10.00 to 17.00. Free entrance.

A smile on the face of a loved one will surely evoke a card with recorded wishes from the heart. At one of the stations, those willing will be able to record a dedication or a love confession using a special mechanism placed in a folded piece of paper and then give such a gift to a loved one.

Those who prefer more practical gifts will be able to make a heart-shaped keychain, as well as romantic reflective badges and bracelets that will come in handy during evening walks. During the workshop, you will also be able to create romantic glowing garlands that will decorate your home interior.

During the creative workshops, a proposal of art games was also prepared for the youngest, who will accompany their parents during a visit to the Auchan Shopping Centre in Gliwice. Sweet gifts and colourful balloons await children.

We invite you to have fun together!